Monday, August 15, 2016

A month spent at camp is a pocket in time - as if you could sew together both ends and step right over it. The world outside continues as usual. But the pocket is so deep and overflowing with people, stories, memories, emotions, and growth in character that the shock of stepping on the other side can be rattling. How can one experience equate to both a year and a day? A year looking at the pocket itself, and a day as you look at the whole spectrum of your life. Maybe in some respects that part of the taste of heaven that camp offers; the experience solely God's that a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years like a day. (2 Peter 3.8)

I have decided that drawing out my memoir of the summer into the thousand year account that it could be would not be in the interest of you, the reader. Instead, I should think you more interested in reading of my experience as a whole perhaps with an occasional story thrown in to spice things up.

Not only did we, as a camp, survive the largest camper enrollment we have ever seen, we also enthusiastically brought them through the hottest and longest heat wave the Valley has seen since 1985. For two and a half weeks, temperatures hovered in the mid- to upper-nineties. Throw humidity in the mix and we could have easily had campers just call it quits, but praise the Lord, I don't recall hearing much complaining from them at all. I do recall, however, constantly nagging them to drink. more. water. Thank goodness this year someone had this brilliant idea to purchase a boatload (no literally) of Gatorade powder packets. I honestly believe the amount of heat related issues among both campers and staff would have skyrocketed without those electrolyted pouches. Though I still don't really care for Gatorade much at all.

Each week counseling I had between 6-7 campers in my lovely, shaded, canvas, platform tent. And, I must say, I was blessed by each one of them. Even the one who only brought two pairs of socks. Being the elementary schoolers that they were, winning their affections was not at all a difficult task. In fact, I believe most if not all of them loved me before they knew who I was. And that sort of innocent admiration is something I treasure. It was what I held on to when I was knocked out with a cold and felt good-for-nothing. I remember one night when I was feeling particularly downtrodden as if my campers didn't care for me at all I had each of them say a thankful and I believe at least two were that I was their counselor and that we were all in the Shawnee tent together. Oh, what blessings these little girls were and are to me. 

Oh, my partners in crime. No, we were not always dressed like hula dancers. Yes, we always acted this insane. We formed bananas; we rig-of-bambooed; we had the time of our lives. Describing my love for these sisters in Christ is practically impossible to put into words; however, I will do my best.

And here they are. :) Their beautiful smiling faces in this picture warm my heart. As Paul speaks of the body of Christ, each of these women brought a unique and valuable contribution to our ministry at Camp this summer. Our adventures spanned from bats to terrifying mountain roads, forest meanderings, silly songs, sweltering heat, cabin group count offs, crazy mealtimes, creekings, rocket launch pep squad (pictured above), dance parties, hoedown gallivanting, Frozen theme dinners, and 3.30 am sunrise hikes. And, even that list barely scratches the surface of all the bonding moments and memories that characterized the last four weeks. I thank the good Lord for each of them and the blessing they are to me.

"And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging once another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near." // Hebrews 10.24-25 {Summer 2016 Theme Verse}

"You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power; for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being." // Revelation 4.11 {All-Time Camp Theme Verse}

Looking ahead, I pray this to be the second of many summers on staff. Being continuously reminded throughout the summer that "this is the only time these exact people will ever be here together" is a harsh reality; however, it is this very fact that makes every individual summer all the more special.

Memories are something that cannot easily be stolen.
Relationships in Christ are not easily broken.

And, so to my girls I say,
"I do believe I have been changed for the better. Because I knew you, I have been changed for good." // 'For Good' from Wicked

xo, Alyssa ♥

{PC: Hannah Huschens}

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  1. I hope you won't mind my asking, but what camp is this? It looks amazing! Do they have a website?

    1. I certainly think it is amazing! You can find more information at

      Alyssa :)


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