Hello, I'm Alyssa - believer in the one true God, fashion enthusiast, musician, creative writer, and now blogger. I am thrilled to have recently launched EFFLORESCENCE and am on the edge of my seat anticipating what God has in store for it. 

I chose the word after hours and hours of searching for the right title configuration. It's harder than you would think to find that one word/phrase/adjective that sums up your entire life AND fits across the top of a web page. I found the word efflorescence on this enchanting list of the 100 most beautiful words in the English language. It was actually not the first time I had reviewed that list; I felt drawn back to it several times before noticing the word now printed at the top of your screen. While other botanical and chemical definitions of the word exist, efflorescence means  blooming - a state or period of flowering. And that, my friends, is exactly where I am in my life right now. As a young millennial, I find myself slowly but steadily growing into the woman God wants me to be. 

There are several reasons why I keep coming back to blogging. On the superficial side, I enjoy the whole web design process tremendously (well, I enjoy the results I come up with). And, I'll have you know I did it all for free. Comment and maybe I'll share how. ;) But really, you ask, why do you blog? 

Honestly, that is a wonderful question. One to ponder. It is so easy for me to slip into the excitement of page views or new Instagram followers, but that isn't what this is about. 

I blog to encourage those alongside me in the Walk and  witness to those absent from it by sharing my creativity, passions, fashions, and faith. 

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