Friday, November 04, 2016

My life is nonstop. A friend of mine today made a comment that college life will probably be a break compared to the craziness of my schedule. I'll spare you the details, but I'd like to now declare some personal goals I have as I look at the next few weeks of beautiful, beautiful November.

1. Peace

We all feel that these next couple days/weeks/months/hopefully-not-years are sort of looming over us as it comes to politics particularly. I had considered sharing all of my thoughts and opinions on such a topic with you but decided to stay silent. However, I will say that this peace is something that each and every one of us is going to have to actively pursue. Rest in the simple knowledge that we sing to six-year-olds: "He's got the whole world in His hands."

2. Contentment

The autumn months of my high school years have been dominated by musical theater auditions, and this is like no other year. Pride and covetousness are both easy pits to fall into during the audition season; the latter particularly due to the situations that I always find myself in - there is always a catch. Not once have I gone out for a part with nothing holding me back. This year I am standing for the Lord's Day. In order for me to be cast in this show, I must be either double cast for a part or have an understudy to perform in the Sunday matinee performance. It's up to the director; no, scratch that. It's up to the Lord.

3. Persevere

All of my dreams are about to come true. Well, in 292 days as according to my phone. August 23rd if any of you don't care to do the math. August 23rd is the day I leave for college. Just a bit of background for you, I have been dreaming about college since I was in fourth grade when my family began involvement in the college student ministry at our church. When I graduated eighth grade from the Christian School, I was ready to completely skip high school and head straight to college. I already knew what I wanted to do and {thought I} knew where I wanted to go. Confident 14 year old me was ready to pack my bags and ship out.

At any rate, it is easy for me to get caught up in the plans, details, and preparations especially because of how long anticipated this 292-days-away day has been. And, yet, there is ever so much else that needs to be done between now and then. Books, papers, experiments, an online college class (spring semester), and my senior project stand between me and graduation. Keeping my eye on the prize is key. Let's go, seniors! We can do this!

4. Prepare

Something that I have been inspired to do this year is host Thanksgiving. Now, obviously, this is not a task I could ever achieve by myself; however, this is the perfect year for me to tackle such a task. In September, my grandparents moved up to my hometown from down in North Carolina. With my dad's parents living in a lake house a couple hours away, Thanksgiving has not been hosted at our house for many, many years. I am so excited for this day!

My original inspiration was through reading Lauren Conrad's latest book Celebrate. Wisdom from years and years of experience in hosting every sort of event fills its pages, and I have loved every minute of it. (Super excited for the Wedding chapter coming up!) On top of basics like decor and menu, Conrad touches on event-specific etiquette and tips that are sure to help your party go off without a hitch.

5. Pray

Cause who couldn't use more prayer in their life? {Still loving the Valley of Vision book you can read about in my last post}

Happy November!

xo, Alyssa

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