Sunday, June 12, 2016

sunday dress, sunday best, church outfit, cerulean, consignment, fashion blog, efflorescencesunday dress, sunday best, church outfit, cerulean, consignment, fashion blog, efflorescence

A lot of sorrowful things happened this weekend. I found myself subconsciously mumbling, "Oh, it's very sad." My heart goes out to everyone suffering from one lost -  every life matters. 

But all of this sadness has given me a mind to share with you today a list of thankfuls. The Lord has blessed me with so many things. So many beautiful things. And thinking about them reminds me of his continual presence in the world today - his hand sovereign over everything. 

1. I am thankful for the sunshine.

From the month of June to this lovely weather to days at the pool, sunshine simply makes it all a million times better.

2. I am thankful for a refreshing Sunday.

Today was the fifth day of me suffering from a rough cold. It has been an interesting couple of days; however, the rest I got today was exactly what I needed. I was so blessed by the live streaming of our church's service in the morning followed by an amazing online exposition this evening from Ruth by Alistair Begg {listen here}. 

3. I am thankful for pretty things.

Because, honestly, the Lord made things beautiful for me to enjoy them. And you too. Wouldn't want to forget you and the rest of the world.

4. I am thankful for laughs with my church friends.

I treasure every laugh. Laughs are what make friendships last. And our long-lasting friendship is a testament to that. Can't wait to have more tomorrow with you. #ygcloseout

5. I am thankful for my little kiddos.

Goodness, I love my girlies! I love singing with them, snuggling them, braiding their hair, and sticking our toes in the stream until we can't feel them. I'm thankful they understand when I'm not feeling 100% and watch the movie from my childhood that they've never heard of. I found myself anticipating my time with them more every day as school drew near to a close; and here we are. :) We have such lovely days together and I could not be more thankful to call them my girls. 

"Mightier than the waves of the sea is His love for you." // Psalm 93.4

sunday dress, sunday best, church outfit, cerulean, consignment, fashion blog, efflorescence


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  1. I enjoy reading your posts and I have nominated you for the Liebster Award on my blog.


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