Wednesday, June 01, 2016

Visiting with my adopted aunt, uncle, and their family, we decided to adventure on a stroll along the beautiful river Susquehanna. There was this particular spot that they had in mind to be our destination. Mineral deposits from an old steel factory had created this lookout along the river. To my surprise, the combination of these deposits and the water lapping at the banks made for a lovely salty breeze that satisfied my longing to visit the shore again. That and the shells I found sitting on the river's floor.
The Susuehanna
Yes, Memorial Day is more than just a three day weekend. More than a kick off to summer. As a nation, we thank those who gave everything they had to our protection and defense as citizens of America. We grieve with those who have lost ones dear to their hearts. But, we also celebrate their memory by celebrating the country they served - a country that, at its core, values faith, family, fellowship, and a good BBQ.

Visiting with my adopted aunt, uncle, and their family, we decided to adventure on a stroll along the beautiful river Susquehanna. There was this particular spot that they had in mind to be our destination. Mineral deposits from an old steel factory had created this lookout along the river. To my surprise, the combination of these deposits and the water lapping at the banks made for a lovely salty breeze that satisfied my longing to visit the shore again. That and the shells I found sitting on the river's floor.

The trail we walked to get down there paralleled the train tracks like many trails do. Across the tracks were the ruins from the old steel factory responsible for the deposits - overgrown from years of abandonment. A certain charm befalls forgotten landscapes such as this. Untold stories, laughs, and memories from years gone by live on under those arches. Even in a place as simple as a this.

A lovely time was had by all. Coming out on the other side of a thunderstorm on the drive home, we were met by the most glorious sunset. Look at it again - I see three colors. The three colors that capture the work, the nation, and the sacrifice of the men and women remembered.

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